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Media literacy is an integral part of learning.

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Global Competencies via AML

Many of the “to do’s” of media literacy, as evidenced in vlog posts by Dani and Luke are pretty straightforward and may occur in courses anyway without the deliberate classification as media literacy. Literacy in senior English includes media literacy in dissecting all elements of literature including the writer and content of the piece. History courses analyze the context in which historical events occurred much like we would analyze all the factors surrounding articles and posts.

I think that it is a very easy-to-realize goal of extending media literacy (specifically in the digital realm) into many, if not all, subject-based classrooms. It seems like it would be the most relevant learning for students as well (at least in the environment in which I instruct, high school), which should increase engagement. I would hope that this is a trend that more and more educators seek to address in their classrooms, but how would I ever know that its occurring when I’m busy teaching? Prep time rarely gets used to observe other educators as many of us re trying to keep our head above water working on marking/prepping. This presents the necessity for it to be required/enforced at an administrative or divisional level. And this presents the question then: does every teacher need to do it then? Is it a part of teacher assessment and professional growth for us all as a profession? I’m biased, obviously, but I think it should be! Do you agree?

With this in mind, what currently is happening in my school regarding media literacy? How are we educating students about digital citizenship and media literacy?


Screenshot of ccicyclonenation post on Instagram.

At Central Collegiate we have been fortunate that administration encourages opportunities for sharing and leadership as educators supporting one another with educational technology. In addition, individual teachers are encouraged to take “risks” and utilize social media as a means to build community at Central Collegiate.

Our school social media, differs from that of each of our educator’s social media posts, as its very much about the school, not personal (obviously). With different types of sharing occurring with each of us teachers, I think that diversity in types of sharing is reflective of the diversity present in schools and also illustrate that necessity for instruction and unpacking of the idea of media literacy for everyone (this extends to include other roles within the school including facilities, office/administrative positions, and support staff), does this become mandatory and assessed in the same way it occurs for educators?

It’s still kind of a grey area when considering personal media use as evidenced by our ECI 832 discussion with Patrick Maze. There are some obvious things to avoid, and there are some things that perhaps shouldn’t be posted, but are arguably okay depending on perspectives. This raises that learning and modelling digital responsibility (and ultimately, media literacy) as individuals working with students and youth. Would we be okay with a student sharing something like what we post? Are selfies okay? And is that wide range of subjectivity regarding “what’s okay” a good means to go forward, rather than a definitive line?

I’m not sure on these questions regarding the future of media literacy, but it is a big part of society and culture today that we all need to be educated on.