
(Secondary Math – Grades 10-12)


Greetings, welcome to the landing page for the secondary (Grades 10-12) Math courses I help instruct. I’m not a math educator by training, I’ve just adopted the subject to help out the kiddos! But wow do I know a lot of great math educators.

I have created basically none of the content but have benefitted from the sharing of resources created by incredible colleagues (shoutout specifically to Mr. Brennan, Miss Mackey, and Mrs. Sonmor for your incredible math passion and guidance) and school divisions. As such, some of the resources have to stay within Prairie South. This site acts as a hub to Google Sites available only for Prairie South staff or students. If you are a teacher outside of the division, feel free to send me an email ( for access to some of the resources, though!

Classes [If you’re a student, find your class from the list here for class content!]

Other Resources